Improve Customer Experience with Videos

14 September 2020, 01:49

by Dream Broker Marketing


The quality of customer service is one of the principal factors that shapes customer experience. However, too often the customer service departments are overloaded with calls, emails, and chats. They end up answering the same basic questions over and over again, instead of spending time in resolving more complex cases which require deep diving into the issue in hand. 

Customer Service

Dream Broker’s long-term customer Vallox, a Finnish producer of ventilation equipment, wanted to improve their customer service and offer more efficient customer support. Their self-produced videos about equipment setup and software maintenance helped their customer service staff to streamline their FAQ  (frequently asked questions) flow by providing detailed and visual solutions to most commonly asked questions.

Vallox chose Dream Broker Studio as a video communication platform because of its simplicity: no complex IT project needed for implementation (as a SaaS solution, Dream Broker Studio is available straight from a web browser) and no expensive devices necessary to produce videos as mobile phones and computers are all you need. Dream Broker’s intuitive software enabled the field employees and engineers to start instantly creating, editing and sharing high quality how-to videos without any prior video producing experience.

Would you like to hear the whole story? Watch Vallox’s video:


How can online videos help you to increase your customer satisfaction?

  • Customers benefit from following product instructions in a visual format. This is useful especially when setting up or maintaining physical devices or when installing software updates or learning how to use a new software.
  • Visual information leaves less space for misinterpretation: you can actually show what to do.
  • Customer service staff can use their time for solving more complex issues when the customers can find the answers to more basic questions in tutorial videos and FAQ videos.

How to start?

Start developing your company’s customer service by creating a web page for FAQ videos. These tutorial videos help customers to find answers immediately to the most common problems without queuing on the phone or waiting for an answer to an email from your support team.

  1. Find the top 10 most frequently asked questions or problems your customer service staff handles daily.
  2. Create 10 short videos where you show the solution for each question.
  3. Publish the videos on the web page you created.
  4. Let your customers know about your FAQ video page.
  5. Keep recording more videos.

Are you interested in providing world class customer service to your customers? We are happy to help!


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